THE ZEROTH REPIn many ways, the most important rep of the set is the one you never log--the ZEROTH rep, the one in which the bar is unracked and...
Strength AND Conditioning - SSCAC Science Panel 2017 RoundupThe usual suspects. L2R: C.J. Gotcher, John Petrizzo, Austin Baraki, Jonathon Sullivan. When people think of exercise, they tend to clump...
Ann and Carson Rock the USSF Fall Classic!On October 28, 2017, at Kratos Strength and Conditioning in Evanston IL, Greysteel Athletes Ann and Carson competed in the US...
Volume and the MasterRecently I published an article on Starting Strength on the use of volume in strength programming for Masters. In this article, my...
Ever Upward and Onward: Training in the 10th Decade of Life(Last week, we published the YouTube profile of Greysteel athlete John C. linked above. Here is a more detailed profile of this amazing...
Greysteel Channel #12 is Up!Hey all, I just published our newest installment on the Greysteel Channel. This is not one of our produced videos, but rather the lecture...
Standing Up to Acting Old: Ann B.A senior citizen uses barbell training to reverse the life-limiting affects of weakness. For 4 years, Ann B., a 75-year-old retired...
GS Channel #3: How We AgeJust returned from a brief but warm December sojourn in Arizona, back to the freezing tundra of Michigan, barely in time to publish our...
Fat Doom, Heart Health, and the Silly Season: An UpdateIt's been a crazy couple of weeks. Top of the list of crazies is the release of my new book with Andy Baker, The Barbell Prescription....
Planning for CatastropheLast week, we lost the peerless poet, songwriter, novelist, and performer Leonard Cohen. Aged 82, Cohen was battling cancer and looking...