Athletes vs. The Word PoliceEvery now and then, somebody tries to take us to task for using the term "Athlete of Aging." The objection is always strictly semantic,...
THE ZEROTH REPIn many ways, the most important rep of the set is the one you never log--the ZEROTH rep, the one in which the bar is unracked and...
COVID-19 LOCKDOWN WORKOUT!We're hunkered down, locked down, feeling down. Many of us work out in commercial gym spaces and suddenly we're without access to our...
Research Review #3 w. Dr. John PetrizzoDrs. Jonathon Sullivan of Greysteel and John Petrizzo of the exercise science faculty of Adelphi University discuss papers on...
Better Not Shout, Better Not Cry, You Better Just Squat, and I'm Tellin' You Why.Holidays wreak havoc on training. Humbug. I've always found it interesting that one of the ways we celebrate our lives is by disrupting...
HYPERTENSION #3: LIFESTYLE FACTORSThe Greysteel Channel has the third and final installment of our series on hypertension. As is always the case with medicine, there's...
Strength AND Conditioning - SSCAC Science Panel 2017 RoundupThe usual suspects. L2R: C.J. Gotcher, John Petrizzo, Austin Baraki, Jonathon Sullivan. When people think of exercise, they tend to clump...
Ann and Carson Rock the USSF Fall Classic!On October 28, 2017, at Kratos Strength and Conditioning in Evanston IL, Greysteel Athletes Ann and Carson competed in the US...
Eggs: Yes Have Some!We posted our newest video, Greysteel #17, on YouTube last week, and it's been very well-received. In this video, Sully talks about the...
Volume and the MasterRecently I published an article on Starting Strength on the use of volume in strength programming for Masters. In this article, my...