YOU CAN DO THIS: TRAINING WITH PARKINSON'SGreysteel Athlete Dan McEachin talks about his experience training with Parkinson's disease.
SQUAT CAMP Q&A PART IFrom the squat camp in Farmington held by the Michigan Strength Conspiracy in May 2018. Coaches Kurisko and Sullivan discuss preparing...
Video: I Take Iron for Back PainGreysteel Vlog: Sully talks about the recent StrengthCon, Triad Festival in Winchester Virginia, Back Pain, and when not to use heroin....
HYPERTENSION #3: LIFESTYLE FACTORSThe Greysteel Channel has the third and final installment of our series on hypertension. As is always the case with medicine, there's...
Strength AND Conditioning - SSCAC Science Panel 2017 RoundupThe usual suspects. L2R: C.J. Gotcher, John Petrizzo, Austin Baraki, Jonathon Sullivan. When people think of exercise, they tend to clump...
New Year, New Gym: Looking Back, Looking ForwardIt's been an eventful couple of months. The most salient development has been Greysteel's relocation to a new training facility, about a...
Ann and Carson Rock the USSF Fall Classic!On October 28, 2017, at Kratos Strength and Conditioning in Evanston IL, Greysteel Athletes Ann and Carson competed in the US...
THE DIVERSITY OF MASTERS ATHLETESLet’s do a little gedankenexperiment. Let’s find 1000 untrained college-age men and evaluate their physical parameters. Let’s determine...
Eggs: Yes Have Some!We posted our newest video, Greysteel #17, on YouTube last week, and it's been very well-received. In this video, Sully talks about the...
Volume and the MasterRecently I published an article on Starting Strength on the use of volume in strength programming for Masters. In this article, my...